United Way of SLO County Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Each year UWSLO County gears up to provide a yearly Free Tax Preparation Assistance Program for low to middle-income families countywide and they need volunteers for UWSLO County’s MyFreeTaxes and the VITA Free Tax Preparation Assistance Program. Volunteers assist taxpayers with technical and software support to file their state and federal taxes for free and help to find refunds like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). MyFreeTaxes (MFT) is a program which provides taxpayers with free tax filing assistance. Tax filers are provided with a computer and internet access at local libraries to prepare and file their own taxes at no cost to them. Volunteers will greet taxpayers, help them set up online accounts and navigate the MyFreeTaxes.org software. Volunteer duties also include answering any tech related questions as needed. Volunteer does not prepare tax return. No tax preparation experience is required. Training is provided. VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) is a program that offers free tax filing services to eligible taxpayers. Taxes are prepared and filed by IRS certified volunteers. Volunteers will assist with intake/preparing tax returns and will need to complete certifications. (Location SLO County - RSVP)
Volunteer with United Way of SLO County Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Volunteer with United Way of SLO County Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
If you'd like to volunteer your time with United Way of SLO County Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, please fill out the following form or download a printable form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.